Just like great players, great brands start from somewhere, too. We invite you to become a part of the 2025 Pangos All-American Experience...
Sponsorship Opportunity
The Pangos & Fullcourt Press brand includes over 25 national grassroots basketball events each year!
- An estimated 30,000+ people will participate in or attend our events annually (Fullctpress.net for all affiliated events)
- All events are live-streamed and available for replay on BallerTV (www.BallerTV.com/Pangos) for college coaches, scouts, parents, family and friends to watch. We have over 80 events archived since 2017!
- 100,000s more view highlights on Instagram, YouTube, Tik Tok, Twitter or log-on to the Fullcourt Press website: www.fullctpress.net to read articles or read others on our affiliated Nothing But Net Magazine (NBNMagazine.com)
- Our mission is to provide exposure events to help student athletes get college scholarship offers & increase their chances of achieving their goals of making it to the NBA. #DreamBIG
- Trend Setters: As high school athletes, they are already popular in their hometown cities, states and nationally. They influence their peers and younger generations who look up to them as role models.
- Brand Loyalty: Attaching a brand early to these athletes can create brand awareness and brand loyalty that builds a relationships that can grow into their collegiate and professional careers as well.
- Bargain Price: The cost of sponsoring a grassroots basketball brand is a fraction of the cost of sponsoring a collegiate athletic program or professional athletes, especially NBA All-Star caliber players
- Social Media Exposure: our platforms, athletes, and the grassroots basketball culture have a large social media presence and level of engagement compared to other niche markets or influencers. That in addition to the 150+ media/video/scouts attending each #PangosAACamp creates a plethora of engaging & exciting content!
- You can spend $5 million on a Super Bowl ad and only get <5% return
- OR...you can spend .1 % of that ($5,000) and get a 95% return on the niche market
- Signs and Banners displayed in key locations at the gyms, hotel, schools, and other event sites
- Advertisements in event press releases, print publications, TV coverage, t-shirts, etc.,
- Permanent website link on the Fullcourt Press and Pangos All-American camp websites.
- Booths or Exhibits to sell or promote products or services directly to event participants, coaches and fans.
- Social Media product placement, promotions, and/or shout outs on multiple platforms including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, SnapChat, and Tik Tok
- Product Trial-ability & Usage by micro influencers
- Content Creation
How To Get Involved: Sponsorship Packages
Sponsorship Packages range from $1,000 - $100,000 depending on the level: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Presenting.
*Customized sponsorship packages are available upon request
*Customized sponsorship packages are available upon request